Ms Jade Trenoweth
Class Teacher
Mrs Natasha Dowling
EA (Education Assistant)
Re: School Day Information and Reminders
School Day Timings
The school day officially starts at 8:45 am. To ensure a smooth transition, we kindly request that you arrive via the side gate into the bottom playground at 8:40 am. At the end of the day, dismissal will take place at the Main Gate at 3.10 pm.
Break Time
Break time is scheduled from 10:30 am to 10:45 am. Should your child wish to bring a snack, we kindly request that it is a fruit snack and free from any nuts as we have students with nut allergies in our school. Additionally, we encourage students to bring a named water bottle filled with water only, ensuring they stay hydrated throughout the day.
Reading Books
We kindly ask that your child brings their reading book to school every day. Our reading sessions take place after lunch, and there may be an opportunity for your child to read individually with me during this time. By bringing their reading books daily, your child can fully participate in these valuable reading activities.
Physical Education (PE) Lessons
PE lessons are held every Monday, and it is essential that children come to school dressed in their PE kits on these days.
Curriculum Letters and Homework
At the start of each half term, we will send out curriculum letters and homework menus to provide you with an overview of the learning outcomes and any key dates we are already aware of. Additionally, we encourage you to keep an eye out for messages and updates on Parentmail as we regularly share important information. If you encounter any issues accessing Parentmail, please let us know.
Thank you for your continued support.
Yours sincerely,
Miss Trenoweth and Mrs Harradine