Mr Peter Curnow
Class Teacher
Class teacher Tuesday to Friday
Mr Anthony Matthews
Class teacher on Mondays
Mrs M Carew
Education Assistant
Please arrive via the side gate at school into the bottom playground at 8:45am. We will leave by the same gate at 3.10pm.
Break time is 15 minutes each day. If your child wishes, they may bring a fruit snack to eat. Please no nuts, we do have nut allergies in school. You may also like to bring a named water bottle (water only please) to drink each day.
The weather at the moment is so changeable; please make sure your child has a named coat everyday in school with them. They may also want to bring an extra layer if they get cold.
Reading books - please can these be brought in everyday. We have reading after lunch every day and I may hear your child read.
Curriculum letters will be sent out at the beginning of each half term. This will inform you of the learning throughout the half term and any key dates we already know about.
Mister Curnow, Mr. Matthews & Mrs. Carew