At St Just Primary School, we have high expectations for the attendance of the children on roll. This is because we recognise that all absence is potentially detrimental to a child’s education and experience of primary school. At St Just, good attendance is 96% and above.
Missing school can damage children’s achievements, they will miss out on the opportunities provided by school, which in return may impact on their chances in life.
In order for children to gain maximum benefit from their time at school and to maximise their future life opportunities, it is imperative that the children attend every day and on time.
What is an authorised absence?
There may be some circumstances where the school will authorise absence such as:
- Illness
- Hospital/dental/doctor appointments for the pupil which can’t be made outside school hours
- Major religious observations
- Bereavement
- Visits to prospective new school
- External exams or educational assessments.
What is an unauthorised absence?
These are absences which the school does not consider reasonable and for which “leave” of absence has not been given. Some examples of this type of absence include:
- Shopping/day trip/visit to a theme park
- A birthday treat
- Children who arrive at school too late to get a mark
- Looking after other children/family members
- Medical appointments for other family members
- Truancy
- Parents keeping pupils off school unnecessarily
- Absences that have never been properly explained.
Parents/carers cannot authorise absences and should be aware that either calling the school or providing a note for an absence does not automatically mean it will be authorised.
- Mrs Sarah Hooley
- Mrs Kerra Burlton
- Mr Jon Hall
- Mrs Kerra Burlton
- Miss Sara Downing
- Mr Anthony Matthews